Dr. Dora Jlidi Bouchamaoui
A successful lawyer in international and corporate affairs

A successful lawyer in international and corporate affairs
Dr. Dora Jlidi Bouchamaoui
Doctor Dora Jlidi Bouchamaoui, motivated lawyer, and passionate about law and the business world, successfully completed her master's degree in corporate law and doctorate in contract law before setting up her law firm.
Passionate about international business and wanting to discover the Anglo-Saxon system, American law, she obtained her second master's degree in Common Law taught in English
She provides her clients continuous legal advice, and spare them pitfalls due to ignorance of numerous and complicated laws. Through her proven experience in litigation, conciliation, mediation and arbitration, she strives to defend the interests of her clients, individuals and businesses ... and help them find opportunities.
Our company Alnour lawyer website is presented in three languages Arabic, French and English which offers you a panoply of different services and specialties.