Accounting and Finance

Farida Guerfi

A Certified Accountant and expert in Audit and Finance

A Certified Accountant and expert in Audit and Finance


Farida Guerfi


Ms Guerfi is a mother of three children and Manager of "MSL Council", an Accounting and Advisory firm and Expertise, and of the Algerian-Canadian “FAC”, an audit and consulting company which is specialized in Audit and Accounting Training as well as Expert evaluation works and restructuring of Accounts.

She chose finance studies to realize her dream of managing one day her own business. In order to achieve this, the strategy of doing things willingly and with the ambition to realizing them well has given its fruits.

During her professional career she have held positions of responsibility: Director of Finance and Accounting, Director of Audit in various public companies of different sectors of activity (hydropic, tourism, industry, buildings, etc), positions that were common to men all over the world but only her competence and her dedication allowed her to impose herself in a MAN’s environment.

In 2007 she obtained the AOCPA trophy (ARAB ORGANIZATION FOR CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS), an organization member of the Arab league of which she hold the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Algeria since 2004.

She is also an International Expert in Accounting Standards IAS IFRS Diploma issued by the AMERICAN ACADEMY of Beirut “ABTA”. She was the president of SEVE until 2022, the businesswomen association of Algeria and Executive Member of the Algerian National Council of Statistics.