Industrial Engineering
Dr. Yasmina Kerboua Ziari
A professor & researcher with a passion for entrepreneurship

A professor & researcher with a passion for entrepreneurship
Professor at USTHB, Doctor of State in Industrial Engineering of the National Polytechnic School of Algiers, Dr. Ziari chooses higher education where she works as a professor at the University of Science and Technology Houari BOUMEDIENNE in Algiers (USTHB). Her skills and experience allow her to access the research team in energy systems.
Although she is involved in the university world, she has a passion for entrepreneurship and particularly that of women, she is charge of the entrepreneurship department created at the USTHB university which part of a policy of encouragement and promotion of entrepreneurship put by the Algerian State in favor of students. This new role makes Dr. Ziari closer to employers' associations and particularly to the association of Algerian businesswomen SEVE , thus participating in SEVE events, as a speaker first then as a sympathizer to become in 2019 member with her new status of consultant / trainer in entrepreneurship.
Dr. Ziari is today responsible for the STEM group created within the framework of the GPP project and focal point of SEVE at Bab Ezzouar University.